The medical name for swimmers ear is Otitis externa. Otitis externa is also what we would call a common ear ache. It is an inflammation, infection or otherwise an irritation of the outer ear and inner ear canal.
Lymphoma, better known as Hodgkin’s Disease, is a condition characterized by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells. In addition to Hodgkin’s, there are many other lymphoma diseases which are known as Non-Hodkin’s lymphoma. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma incidences become more and more common with age, whereas Hodkin’s lymphoma is common between ages 16 and 35, and over 50.
Of course, as with any medical condition, there are numerous ways of treating acid reflux, or to give it its full title, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Here, we will look at medication.
Chickenpox is highly contagious and most young children will catch it sooner or later. The blisters itch like mad and we have a treatment that will help.
Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of Arthritis. Find out how you can take steps to prevent this disease and learn treament tips to manage joint pain.
Although it’s not my favorite thing to be in the world, I am a mouth ulcer. My street name is most commonly: canker sore. I’ve got a fancy name, and that involves painful open sores that will exist in your mouth when the mucous membrane breaks. You might also choose to call me one of these other names: aphthous stomatitis or aphthous ulcer. Now that we have that out of the way…
Food allergies affect approximately 4 million Americans with symptoms that can include difficulty breathing, an outbreak of hives, asthma, vomiting, and even death. Oftentimes food allergies are confused with an inability to tolerate certain foods. Food intolerance usually brings about an entirely different set of symptoms including a bloated feeling, gas, or other similar type of discomfort.
Usher syndrome – “a genetic disease causing deaf and blindness.” A simple definition. In essence, this disease slowly blinds you by progressive retinis pigmentosa, as well as ruin your hearing through congenital hearing loss. This particular disease can only be inherited, and is uncommon becuase it is a recessive trait. It can occur in an estimated 1 in 11,000 people.
There’s good news for people at risk for limb amputation due to complications from diabetes: A new laser procedure has been shown to be highly successful in “salvaging” limbs, thus providing a new alternative in the fight against amputation.