Food allergy is triggered when a reaction occurs after contact with a particular food to which you are sensitized. Allergy caused from allergic response can range from mild or moderate to severe. Here are some practical tips to manage food allergies.
Periodontitis (gum disease) is a common human affliction, affecting one third of all adults, and over half of the population over the age of 50.
This article describes recent events in Turkey about the bird flu virus. Are we now staring the danger right in the eye without the medications yet?
Recent outbreaks have put bird flu disease at the center stage of the global health community. The possibility of a global pandemic is serious enough that deaths caused by bird flu warrant a closer examination.
From day one my own personal life-long herpes infection has presented me with several ethical challenges. It has challenged me on the question of who to tell and when. It has challenged me on the issue of what to say and how to others with herpes. It has challenged me on the question of “Do I have any responsibilities towards trying to prevent the people in the community who do not herpes from getting it, and if so what are they”?…
There is no treatment that will cure genital warts by removing the virus, but if warts are present, they can be removed in a number of ways.
Many arthritis sufferers have tried unusual and rather nasty ?cures? for their disease like enduring bee-stings or covering themselves in cow-manure. The benefits must have been rather less spectacular than the cures or else everyone else would have done the same.
Many of the symptoms and signs that you describe apply to other personality disorders as well (for instance, the histrionic, the antisocial and the borderline personality disorders). Are we to think that all personality disorders are interrelated?
Significant risk factors for chronic kidney disease (CKD) are not being addressed in the United States, according to a report of the National Kidney Foundation’s (NKF) Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP).