A Candida yeast infection can display the following symptoms:
Migraines are a neurological disease, of which the most common symptom is an intense and disabling episodic headache. Migraines are usually characterized by severe pain on one or both sides of the head and are often accompanied by hypersensitivity to light, hypersensitivity to sound and nausea.
This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding death resources. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about death.
I am Malaria, an infectious disease. Every year I kill approximately one point three million humans, and infect another 350-500 million. My work is mostly in the tropics where favorable climates and lifestyles aid in my process. Over 85% of deaths occur in Sub-Saharan Africa. Do I have your attention?
Symptoms such as general pain or swelling around the joints, an increased stiffness in the joints in the morning, a cracking sound in the knees when standing, and joints with a red appearance that feel warm to the touch are all signs of arthritis.
Is it a cold or the flu? Though it’s an annual occurrence, many people are confused as to exactly which is the cold and which is the flu. Read more to find out the difference.
In this article we’re going to discuss a common form of battling allergies with the use of allergy shots and how allergy shots work to build up a person’s immunity to outside allergens.
It begins with back pain, followed by calf or hamstring pain, and sometimes included numbness in the toes. Forms of sciatica, resulting from inflammation get better with time, healing themselves.
This article gives you complete information on fibromyalgia including symptoms, causes, cure and its treatment.